Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Island

This beautiful canvas of my island Curaçao I want to share with the world. It was taken when I was visting last year. As a worldly person I love to travel and explore the world but I always go back to my roots. My childhood till my teens I remember as very warm and joyful. No mather how awesome the rest of the world is I would never trade this place as my birthplace. Growing up on an island gives you the opportunity to play outside as a child (everyday, 365 days a year), go swimming after school in your teens and partying on the beach in the weekends. But the island was getting small for me so I decided to move away and started my studies abroad and also did/do a lot of travelling. I enjoy getting to know other cultures and meeting new people. Because of this knowledge I know the standards and values of others and do respect them for that. Never ever I would judge someone because of their believes, culture or religion. Thank god I had the opportunity to know that we are all different and if others would do the same the world would be a better place. 
But my island will be my island and no matter where I travel or base myself for a while I will always but always go back home! As they, say home is where the heart is. Well my heart is at the beautiful island Curaçao

So here it is for your enjoyment.

This is what we call the "north" side of the island. Here is where the sea is rougher due to the wind. The south is where the white sandy beaches are.

Here is a map of Curaçao.

You see Boca Tabla which literary means plank mouth. There is where the picture was taken. This part of the island is one of the most beautiful sights. You see a lot of nature, turtles coming in to eat or lay their eggs and you experience the power of the wind in combination with the ocean really closely. There are even parts where you get so close to the water that it is so scary because if you fall, and god forbid you fall into it, there is no way to get out. Especially on a rough day as when I was taking the picture. 
I remember when I was younger we used to go with a whole bunch of people on that side and enjoy this fenomenon again. The salty air in your face and the cool breeze in your hair makes it just so perfect to be there. No words can really describe it. You just have to go there for yourself and see how much of a PARADISE this island is.

Well did you go research already? And did you book your ticket yet? If not, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? A one way ticket to paradise it is.

p.s: I say canvas because I printed this picture on a canvas and hang on my living room wall, so whenever I feel down or it is a cold and rainy day I just look up and imagine I am there!



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