Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keep motivated with a workout regime

Do not start working out because it was one of your new years resolutions, but do it because you love your body! To get there is really hard but believe me after you start seeing the results you will feel more energetic after every workout. 

How it worked for me: 
Together with my friends we went to a try out class at a gym that suited our personalities and lifestyle. I attended a body pump class and was hooked. After the class I made sure to subscribe directly because I was feeling so pumped to start working out. The first week I went to all the classes, did some cardio exercises and asked advice about the machines that I needed to use for some areas that need extra attention. 

I developed my own routine that works really well for me:
40 minutes before class I start with some warming up on the treadmill for 10 minutes then I attend the abs workout routine for 15 minutes, relax after that for 15 minutes and start my class. On Tuesday I have a one hour total body workout class and one hour zumba afterwards. With the total body workout we work on abs, weight control and endurance. Zumba is just funky pleasure and you will burn the calories you consumed from dinner.

On Thursday I do the same routine and my class is the body pump. In every class I try lifting a little more weight so I develop more muscles and burn more calories. But remember when you want to lose weight with body pump you should keep your weights limited because the less weight the better.

On Friday I attend the steps class and find it very similar to the total body workout the only difference here is that you are constantly on and off a step. 

Depending on my mood and will to go to the gym I try to go on Monday or Wednesday and on this day I do some running, bike, cross training and weight lifting. 

A lot of times you think that doing a lot of cardio will help you lose those fats but at this gym finally someone told me that power training with weight will get you going much faster. So in every class of mine you see a pattern where weights are used and I can tell you after two months I really see some nice results. My legs are firmer and the chicken filet under my arm is getting thinner and thinner and I can already see some muscles forming. Because of the ab training my stomach is getting flatter and I hope in about a year you can start seeing those abs forming. I say a year because I have a full time job, so little time and love food. In order to get to really firm abs in a short period of time I would have to do a crash diet and exercise all the time. I feel comfortable how things are going now and feel very satisfied every time I feel and see some new developments on my body.

Now you are wondering how does she keep motivated right?
Well because my classes are so much fun I look forward to going to the class and have some fun while losing weight. On days that I feel like not going I just force myself to go; for example when coming from work I make sure to get the right lane on the highway to get to the gym so there is no turning back and on days off I just keep talking to myself, go to the gym, go the gym, go to the gym Stephanie. Well it is all about dedication and will power because if you start giving up and staying home, eating/snacking watching t.v. or surfing the net you will not get to the point of satisfaction. Of course you can skip a week but do not I repeat do not let it get to week 2!

Well I hope I inspired you to work out and get your body in shape.

Happy workout!!!

xoxo Steph

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