Monday, January 4, 2010


We all love to paint our nails and spend tuns and tuns of money on nailpolishes. Well lately I have decided to try out some cheap nailpolishes. By cheap I mean really cheap not normal drugstore ones but the ones in the 1 dollar, euro, pound, peso, etc range. YES those really cheap nameless ones. 

About two months ago I was at the local market where u can find good deals on anything; from plants, clothes to fruits and vegetables. When wandering around I saw a little stand that was selling cosmetics and nailpolishes for €1,00. With no hesitation I picked up a few. As soon I got home I tried them out and some of them with two coats it looked great and others with three. Good deal right?! So why should I buy expensive nailpolishes from now if I can buy a lot for the lucky number 1 and still have nice polished nails? Ok ok it's true some colors from O.P.I you cannot compare and can't find them anywhere else. But I am sure I can find, at that stand on my local market or any other random cheap place, a simillar color that will please my heart, nails and eyes. 

Now you may think that my cheapy cheapy nailpolish will chip and last only one day. STOP! the trick is using a good top coat, spend a good amount of money on the best top coat ever and the cheapy cheapy look will last for at least 3 days and give a glammy glammy look to your nails and only u know ur secret to this succes. 

Remember to give your nails a rest every other day and go au naturel and always use a basecoat to keep your nails from becoming yellowish. Apply your color and finish with your topcoat.

Now you are ready to conquer the world with perfect nails <3

Try it!

xoxo Steff

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