Saturday, December 26, 2009

Highlites and Downlites for 2009

Hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and are still enjoying this day. Did you get everything you asked for? I got money which I am really happy with and going to spend it really good!

I made a list of high and low lites in fashion and beauty for me in the year 2009.

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to make your own list.


1. Flip-flops and sandals in January

I lived in Dubai for 6 months and well the weather is pretty warm there, even in the winter. As I already mentioned I grew up in a warm place and ofcourse my all time favorite footwear are flip-flops.
On a casual day I would wear my Havaianas, which I have in every color of the rainbow

On a more "formal" day I would wear fancy ones. In Dubai they had the most beautiful ones and several of them looked like these.

I have them in different heights, with or without jewels, different colors to match my outfit and most important comfy. Ok I can handle some nice killerheels but when I go flat it has to be comfortable and fashionable. In that exact order.

2. Jimmy choo for H&M
The biggest shoe addict is right here. Yep me! I remember when I was a teenager whenever I bought a new shoe again (after buying one yesterday and my mom going crazy with my addiction) I would trow the box away and secretly put them in my closet. Whenever my mom asked: where did you get these shoes? I would say: Mom, I have those for years now!!!HAHA yeah I love shoes and now getting older I want to invest more and more in designer shoes. But my wallet still doesn't allow it so oh happy was I when I heard my favorite designer is doing a co-op with H&M.

This is the one I got. I absolutelty love it and my debut with it is on New year!!

3. Fashion in Paris
Last october my boyfriend and I made a little trip to Paris. Well I must say that since I have been to Paris in 1999 a lot has changed and it is now so touristy. But oh I enjoyed the fashion. A lot of stores I had in Dubai I found again here and absolutely loved it. I bought some dresses, really cute for work or just a formal thing, a very nice and warm winter coat, a bag and a shoe.
Paris is after New York def on my shoppinglist for the coming year.

4. Long beautiful hair finally after a really bad haircut
When I returned from my middle east advanture I wanted to cut my edges and put some more layers. There was one problem because my hairdresser is in the south and after moving back I had so many changes to do to my appartment and had no time to sit in the train for 4 hours only to cut my hair. But I desperately wanted to style cut it. So one day I was shopping in my neighbourhood and saw a nice (fancy) hairdresser. So I went inside and asked for the price and made an appointment. All looked great until the lady started cutting my hair. I specific said only a few centimeters cause my hair is not dead and I want layers. (when in the sun my hair tends to get really light but still look healthy and natural, I guess its cause I'm mixed). So the first thing I see is like 10 centimeters of my hair flying on the floor. Ok to make a long story short; She cut my hair really short and not the perfect layers I wanted and the worst part she couldn't even blowdry my hair!!!! Turned out I was her first client...argggg I cried a lot. I never cry over my hair cause it grows back on but this time I was so mad and sad...
Well it has been 8 months now and my hair is really long, almost to my hipbone. But I need a cut. I want some layers and a sideswept midlong bang.

Stay tuned for a before and after picture of my haircut) I discovered a very good local hairdresser.


1. None of my good jeans fitting me
When living in Dubai I used to eat so unhealthy which made me gain at least 4 kilo (9 pounds). I am short and i know 9 pounds is not a lot but for me it is. I am also blessed with a natural big frontside so whenever I gain weight it seems I gained 20 pounds. Still 9 months later I have not managed to lose that extra weight and all my favorite jeans don't fit me anymore. I am so bummed cause I love wearing jeans and now I can only wear 5 of them.
My new years resolution is to lose that extra weight and I'm starting with the fruit diet.

When I'm starting I want YOU to join me, that way it is much easier and we will support each other. I will make a blog dedicated to the diet and after I will blog every day on my proces.

2. Wearing way too many layers
This winter was cold really cold and it just started. Everyday when I leave my house I need to check out the window' is it raining, snowing, how cold, what are others wearing etc.
Then I start dressing. First the basics; bra/underwear then undershirt (ussualy a tanktop) then my shirt/sweather and jeans. Even when it is minus degrees I refuse to wear a legging under my jeans. Whenever it is raining or snowing I wear two socks and then the boots.
Then I put on my scarf and coat. Whenever I look in the mirror I look like a bear...I mean hello already with those extra pounds and all these clothes??? People will think I am a little sealion walking on dry land. I think if I die in the near future is because of clothes suffocation.

3. Change of daily routine skin care
After 11 years of using clinique 3 steps skin care system I have noticed that my skin has become immune for it. 5 years ago a dermatologist said I have been using it way to long and had to change but it was working just fine and I was leading a break out free life. But now my soap is not doing the right job anymore and I think I am even getting break outs because of the product. Well it is time to change my skin care routine because I am getting crazy with these little bumps on my face. So I decided that upcoming week I need to go and shop for a new skin care formula. If you have any reccomendations feel free to tip me about.

Well this was my list and hoped you enjoyed it. As I said feel free to make your own list.

xoxo Steff!!

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